Homair Vacances specialises in family holidays. Its accommodation and facilities are specifically designed for families (parents and children).
For obvious health and safety reasons (the swimming pool, possible evacuation of the campsite due to a weather warning or possible hospitalisation during the stay) children will not be admitted unless accompanied by their legal guardians. Furthermore, in accordance with Articles L227-1 et seq. of the French Social Action and Family Code relating to the protection of minors during school holidays and educational and leisure trips, our campsites are not authorized to provide group or individual stays outside the family home to minors under 18 years of age who are not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Minors accompanied by their legal guardians are under the responsibility of the latter. It is forbidden to leave them alone or unattended on the campsite.
From your home, you can choose the holiday which is perfect for you via our website, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the help of:
- Clear information on which to base your choice of destination: region, theme, accommodation, entertainment and activities, itineraries, tourist excursions, regional events, etc.
- Very simple-to-use tools to help you make your choice: search engine, map search, holiday ideas, etc.
- An introduction to our campsites with a wide range of photos and virtual tours of our campsites and mobile homes.
- A Q & A section to provide answers to all your questions.
Book your holiday online with ease:
- Real-time information on the availability of accommodation.
- Fully secure online payment.
- Discounted dossier handling fees for all payments by bankcard (in a single or several instalments, via a standing order on your bank account).
- Payment in 4 instalments possible (if the booking is made more than 3 months before the start of your stay).